Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Poop Hits the Floor

Potty training. If two words could define our life right now, it would be those. We've put it off long enough. We have no more excuses. It's got to be done.

I just wish it were that simple. I swear I've house-trained dogs faster than this. Why is it such a fight? Does exerting his independence have to carry over to where and when they poop? Is it so hard to understand that crap inside your pants is not a good thing? For anybody?

We've been training for, oh, forever now and I still don't think we've made any progress. We bought tiny potties, seats that fit over the potty, standing, sitting, even going on the grass. He's seen other kids potty, and he's certainly peeked under enough stall doors to see other people going potty. We've bought pull-ups -- ones that stay wet, ones with learning designs, ones that get cold and covered with snowflakes (?) when they pee. We've bought Diego underwear, Cars underwear, and we've let him go with no underwear.

This morning he decided it would be alright to poop under the piano. No, even I cannot believe that my life has sunk to this; I used to swear over Cosmos that talking about my kid's poop would never become part of my life. Now I just laugh at myself, brush the spit-up off my shoulder, and move on. I try not to do this in public, because then I look crazy, especially if my kids aren't around. But where and when he poops has become the center of our lives, more so now that I've lied to the preschool.

"Of course he's potty-trained," I said with a smile, as if all three-year-old boys never have accidents. The truth is, I cannot make his little butt sit on the toilet for the life of me, and I'm wondering how I'm going to schedule his day so that he has 21 possible pooping hours to choose from and doesn't use one of the three he's in school.

My question is, have you been here before? How did you handle it? Please leave a comment. And if you're going through the same thing, leave a comment so I know I'm not losing my mind. And if you don't have kids or your kids are grown and gone, thank your lucky stars that your daily conversation doesn't include the word "poop." Except, of course, the expletive version. Which I think I'm about to use now...


Anonymous said...

From our conversation yesterday you know that we are struggling with potty training as well. My little one is doing pretty good with going pee pee, but has yet to accomplish going poop in the potty. Any kind of bribs may work. Perhaps when Carter goes to school and sees other kids going poop in the potty he will catch on. Good luck! Sorry I am of no help!

Anonymous said...

I hear your frustration....Our solution? We stopped trying and finally at 3 1/2 our son requested we go to Target to get a new potty chair. He picked out the one he wanted and from that day on was trained w/o any accidents. Luckily our daughter, at 2, decided she wanted underwear like her brother...I guess they all just do it when they are ready. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

We decided one weekend about a month ago to make it our mission to potty train our little guy. He cried and begged and it was not fun. However, by the end of Sunday, after we returned from a friend's house, he asked to go potty. We had turned the corner! I also got a big poster board and made a calendar so that he could put stickers up everytime he went "pee" or "poop" or "stayed dry". This seemed to help. He has occasional accidents and still is not able to go away from home (he mainly holds it), but we have made a lot of progress. I wish you the best -- it is not easy!

Anonymous said...

ALL kids have accidents, even in kinderagarten. So I don't think you'll need to worry about the school unless he is consistantly having accidents.
Boys are much harder than girls to train, they just are.
And I have to agree w/ the comment from the anonymous. Potty training should not be a battle. And when he IS ready, you'll be amazed at how easily it all comes.So save your frustration and wait it out.
I have done daycare now for almost 8 years and helped potty train about 10 kids at least... it'll just happen one day , on HIS terms.